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Search FAQs

An awareness of who and what is God and how His deep unconditional love is
for all of His children.

Reveals what it is, how we may obtain it, and what its effect is on our

An explanation of what is death, plus descriptions of spirit life - the
spheres, homes and surroundings, and spirits who inhabit them.

Enlightenment of the soul - a discovery of who and what we are.

A portrayal of Jesus - the truth about his life, teachings, and as the
Master of the Celestial Heavens.

This earth life is a fleeting shadow of the spirit life, but an important
shadow to the happiness which man may enjoy in the future.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Hell, but were afraid to ask!

Miscellaneous Q&As not listed under a specific category.

FAQs - God, the Heavenly Father

An awareness of who and what is God and how His deep unconditional love is
for all of His children.

What is the truth about God?

God is our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the Universe and all of
its living creatures.  He is soul and has a form that we cannot comprehend
with our mind, but only when our own soul becomes developed by receiving His
Divine Love can we perceive Him and His wonderful attributes of love,
gentleness, kindness, mercy, patience and forgiveness.  He is a loving
Heavenly Father, who desires that His children turn to Him for all things as
He is able to help us with everything that we need to make us happy.

Who and What Is God

Did God create sin and error?

No. Sin and error are mankind’s creations and are violations of
the perfect workings of God’s immutable laws.

Sin Has No Existence Except as It Is Created by Mankind, and Man Must Pay the Penalties

Why doesn’t God just show himself?

God is not a man, who can supernaturally transport Himself to the
earth and walk amongst us so that we can see Him.  But we are able to
perceive His presence by His love and tenderness when our souls become
spiritually awakened.  And God does listen to us and responds to the true
longings of our souls.  He shows Himself by His Holy Spirit, who delivers
His Divine Love, when we earnestly seek for it.  For all other prayers, He
answers them with the help of ministering angels and it is these angels who
speak on His behalf.

God Sees, Hears, and Knows the Thoughts and Deeds of Men and Spirits

Who and What is God?

What is the Second Death?

Because of the fact of the great variety of beliefs and teachings on earth
as to the meaning of the second death, many men and spirits will neglect
to exercise their privilege of obtaining the Great Gift of the Divine Love and suffer
the second death. The second death will take place when that great separation
occurs, and the gift of this privilege of receiving the Divine Love of the Father will
again be withdrawn from man and spirit. No other death is meant, for man and
spirit will continue to live their mortal and spirit lives, without any other death than
that which is now constantly taking place.

Adam and Eve and all who followed suffered the first death, which continued until
the arrival of Jesus.

The necessity of obtaining the Divine Love

Does God Judge the Sinner?