Truth For All People Divine Love God Soul Spirit Life Jesus Truths


The Correct Way in Which Man Should Live The Life on Earth

I am here, Jesus;

I come tonight according to promise and desire to write my message if you are in condition to receive it. I wish to write on the subject of: 'What is the correct way in which a man should live the life on earth in order to receive the cleansing from his sins so that he can acquire the purification of his natural love?'

Heretofore I have conferred in my messages almost exclusively to the redemption of the soul by means of the divine love, so that the redeemed one may become an inhabitant of the Celestial Spheres. Now I will deal only with that cleansing that will fit him to live in the highest and purest of the spirit spheres, where he can have the happiness which a pure natural love will bring to him.

As has been written you, the soul as it was created and placed in man was at the time of its creation in human form, or rather at the time it found a habitation in that form, was made pure and perfect and in complete harmony with the laws of God controlling its existence, and that only after the fall by reason of man's own indulgence in the animal appetites and desires did it lose its purity and become contaminated by sin and error, and that ever since that time it has remained in such condition of impurity and alienship to God and His laws.

This impurity has been the lot, of each succeeding generation of men and has never been eradicated from men's souls, notwithstanding all the moral instructions that man has acquired, but still there has been wonderful improvements in the purity of man's thoughts, as well as in his actions and habits of life since the turning from the bottom of his degeneracy.

Now there are several ways in which man may succeed in acquiring that purity that existed at the time of the creation of the first man, and in time this consummation will be accomplished. But in these ways man himself will have to be an important working factor, for man is the highest of God's creation with powers and will possessed by no other of God's creatures, and there are no powers in heaven or earth that can or will redeem man from this condition of sin and error unless, man will cooperate in the work, and that to the greatest and best of his ability.

These sins that I speak of were created by man's thoughts and desires carried into acts and deeds by the operation of the will and they must be removed by the same processes. Where the evil thoughts and deeds created that which contaminated and defiled the qualities of his soul, these evil thoughts and deeds must be supplanted by good thoughts and deeds in order that the defilement may be removed and the soul purified. Evil thoughts are born of suggestions both inward and outward and also of the influence of spirits of evil who establish a rapport with the mortals.

Let us postpone the writing for our rapport is not just right. I will come soon and finish.

With all my love I am your brother and friend, Jesus

Discourse continued...

I am here, Jesus;

I see that you are in better condition tonight and it may be that we can continue the message.

Well, as I was saying, the only way in which a mortal may obtain the development of his soul's condition, without the help of the divine love is by attempting to exercise his will in the way that will cause the thoughts of evil and error to leave him, and to be replaced by thoughts that will bring his heart and soul into harmony with the laws of his creation as mere man. This can be done by his seeking for those higher things of morality and the subordinating of the purely animal desires and appetites of the mortal to the aspirations and desires of the higher and nobler part of his nature.

As I have before told you, man was pure and good until he by the exercise of his will following the suggestions of the animal desires, permitted himself to degenerate from the high and perfect condition of his creation.

These sins and desires do not belong to his original nature, for his true nature was pure and in harmony with the laws of God. And although he has lost it by the excessive and wrongful exercise of his will obeying the desires of his animal nature, yet he can recover his condition of original purity and harmony if he will get rid of these sins and errors so that his nature may again become free from everything that defiles it, or places it out of harmony with the laws that created it.

So you see, it is not necessary for man to obtain or add to his original condition any qualities that were not his in the beginning, but merely to get rid of or eradicate from that condition those things which are mere excrescencies, or parasites and thereby have his nature in the same condition that was his, when he was created and was the perfect man.

So long a time has the nature or condition of the nature of man been in this state of defilement and alienation from the true condition of his creation, that the effort to bring about the restoration will necessarily be great, and he will have to use all his power of will that he is capable of to effectuate this object, and he will find in such efforts two conflicting forces always fighting each other for the mastery.

The fact that he believes his present condition is the natural one and that the state and purity and freedom from sin and error is one that does not belong to him naturally, but must be acquired by adding something to what he now has and always possessed, will make the fight more uneven.

Therefore, the first things that man must believe are that his present condition is not his natural one, and that he has nothing more or greater to accomplish than to relieve himself of those things which prevent his condition from becoming, as it was when he was the perfect man.

If he will get this belief firmly fixed in his mind and assert that he was made by God and that God never created anything impure or not in harmony with His laws, he, man, will have accomplished the first step towards his regeneration and towards success in his effort.

He must not consider himself to be a weak, low and unworthy creature of God, not being entitled to those conditions of purity and greatness which made him the beloved child of the Father. Of course, self-esteem and pride and everything of that nature must be eliminated from the estimate that he must have of himself, but on the contrary, the idea that he is degenerated and an utterly helpless being must not be permitted to enter his mind. Such thoughts do not make him pleasing to God as he has been taught they do, but only make him subservient to his master's sin and error and prevent him from asserting his own superiority to these things, which is necessary to exist in his conception of his true condition in order that he may obtain the ascendancy over those masters.

When he shall have assumed this position, then he will realize that these animal appetites and desires and evil thoughts which arise from them, and from the belief that he is by nature degraded and unworthy of a better and higher condition of nature, are really beings of his own creation and subject to his will and self-control and total destruction.

And with such realization will come a consciousness that they are not parts of his nature but foreign to it, and that in order that his nature may become separated from them he must look upon them as enemies and treat them as such, to be destroyed and utterly extinguished, and never more to be taken to his bosom and cherished as inalienable and dominant parts of his nature.

Of course, in treating them as such enemies, great watchfulness and determination will have to be exercised, for they are very insidious and will at all times and in all ways, whenever the opportunity arises, try to convince him that they are an integral and necessary part of his being, incapable of being separated from him.

But by the exercise of this belief, based upon a right conception of what is and what is not a part of him as the perfect man, and by the exercise of his will power in accordance with this conception, he will be able to rescue himself from these unnatural appetites and desires and thoughts of error and sin.

As this belief becomes stronger and the conception clearer and his will exercised in closer harmony with the two essentials, these excrescencies will gradually and one by one fall away from him until at last he will rise again the perfect man with the pure and harmonious nature which God gave him at the time of his creation.

But this process will be slow and sometimes hardly perceptible, for the long years of misbelief in the idea of original sin and that God created evil and error for the purpose of defiling man's nature and making a disobedient devil of him, without any inherent goodness or the possibility of becoming regenerated unless, by the operation of some miracle, will make it difficult for the acquiring of the true belief as to what he and what his nature are and enable him to become the master and not remain the servant.

God is the Father of all and loves all His children, and as He originally provided for their happiness, so now He desires that all may be happy even though they may not seek for that divine love which makes mortals and spirits more than the mere perfect man.

Forgiveness is, in effect, forgetfulness, and when men in their efforts cause all these things of evil and sin to cease being a part of their nature and only thoughts of purity and righteousness to find a lodgment in their minds, then these other things are forgotten and forgiveness has taken place. Man no longer is the slave of false beliefs and unrighteousness, nor is he their associate and even in memory they become things of nonexistence. And when he gets into this condition of purity and freedom and in harmony with the laws of his creation, there exists nothing which can be the object of forgiveness and he is the man of perfect creation.

But in all this man must realize that he does not exist by and for himself alone, for always he is surrounded by mortals or spirits or both exercising upon him their influence for good or evil, helping him to turn his thoughts from these things of evil and sin into those higher things which are his by nature or causing him to receive and foster these evil thoughts with increased intensity. He cannot get rid of these influences of the one kind or the other, and hence, he should seek the influence of those who are good and desire to help him in his efforts towards the recovery of that condition, which is his by right of birth.

Among God's laws, which never change and which work impartially, is the great law of attraction, and it works in the case of all mortals and spirits and never rests. And the great principle of this law is that like attracts like and the unlike repulses the unlike. So man must know that as he is, I mean in his state of mind and soul, so necessarily will be his companions of those who desire his association. And hence, he should realize this important truth and all that it implies.

If his thoughts and deeds are evil, he will attract those spirits or mortals who have similar thoughts and deeds and who will not help him to higher things but who will retard his progress towards his first estate. And if his thoughts and deeds are good then his associates will only be those of like qualities who can and will help him in his progress.

Every effort to create good thoughts strengthens the desires and will in that direction and assists the coming of other good thoughts, for with these efforts comes the help of these unseen influences and the repulsion of the influences of the retarding forces.

Man is a wonderful being and the highest creation of the Father, and yet his greatest master is his belief in the power and supremacy of these things of evil of his own creation.

But beyond all this a means to accomplish man's restitution to his perfect estate is the help of the Father, which is never refused when man seeks for it in earnest, sincere prayer. Always the Father is willing to respond to the true prayers of man, and by His instrumentalities will make the efforts of man sure and effective, so that he can acquire that condition that will free him from all sin and error and slavery of false belief in the mastery of his evil creatures.

Man must believe in the love and help of the Father in the manhood and greatness of himself, and in the utter error of his belief in the mastery of his own children of sin and error.

Your brother and friend, Jesus