Truth For All People Divine Love God Soul Spirit Life Jesus Truths


What the Judgment Is That Comes to All Men After Death.

I am here. Jesus;

 I see that you are in good condition tonight, and that I am able to make a rapport with you.

I was with you at the meeting tonight and saw the workings of your mind, and the pity, as it were, that you had for the preacher because of his, want of  knowledge of what the judgment is that comes to all men after death, a judgment that is certain and exact, but not one pronounced upon man by God, as the preacher proclaimed.

I was trying to impress you in your thoughts. And you felt the influence of my suggestions and realized that you did not fear the judgment, or rather its results, because you know the Way in which the judgment can have no terror for you, or no eternity of condemnation. I wished, as you did, that the preacher might know the Truth and then proclaim it to his hearers, and, in this manner, show them that the judgment is a certainty that cannot be escaped from, and that its sentences are not for an eternity of duration.

He is an earnest man in his beliefs, and teaches just as he believes. The pity is that he does not know the Truth. But, nevertheless, he is doing good to those who hear him. For many of them are caused to think of spiritual things, and of the future as well as of the present, who otherwise might and would neglect these important things that will determine the kind of judgment that they will have to undergo. And I am glad that he is so preaching and doing a work that, in many instances, will lead men to meditate upon their spiritual conditions, and will ultimately lead them to seek for the Love of the Father which they may obtain by their longings, though their beliefs may be erroneous as to how this Love may be obtained.

Men are constituted with a mind and a soul, each having its own perceptions and ability to comprehend the Truth. And sometimes it happens that, the perceptions of the soul will enable them to see and reach out for this Love, while they may be wholly blind in their mind perceptions. And even these latter perceptions, may be in conflict with the operations of the perceptions of the soul.

Until the truths that I and the other spirits are revealing to you shall become known to the world, there will be nothing in existence, or in the knowledge of men, that can supply the place of these truths, so much as the beliefs that have been and are being taught by the teachers of the Bible; For in it are many truths, especially those that show men the way to obtain to moral perfection. And that, as you know, was one of the objects of my teachings when on earth, but not the great object of my mission.
Nevertheless, the man who learns and applies these moral truths to his daily life and conduct, comes nearer to the enjoyment of that harmony that man must obtain, in order to get into a unison with God's laws, and that is necessary to his regeneration, and to his becoming the perfect man. And besides, as he, I mean the mortal-progresses in this regeneration, he will find it easier for him to learn, by his soul perceptions, the great truth of the transformation of the soul, through the new birth.

I approve of the efforts of this preacher to bring men to a realization of their relationship to God, even though he has many erroneous beliefs, and says many things that are contrary to the Truth, and not in accord with the true relationship of man to God.

I will write to you soon upon this matter of the judgment, and what it means and the variety of its operations.

Tonight, I will not write longer, for I think it best to not draw upon you too much at this renewed conjunction of rapport with your condition. I have been with you very often of late, and have tried to influence you with my love and suggestions. And I must tell you that you have progressed much in your soul development and nearness to the Father's Love.

Continue to meditate upon these spiritual things and pray to the Father, and you will realize a great increase in the possession of this Love and an improvement in your condition, that will enable us to come in closer rapport with you.

Well, I will do as you suggest. I am pleased that you feel as you say, for we must do the work as rapidly as possible. We have lost much time and will have to work the harder to bring about the completion of our delivery of the Truths. But you need not fear that we will not be successful. Only have faith and pray, and all will be well.

I must stop now. But, before doing so, I must assure you that I am praying with you in your prayers at night, and that your prayers will be answered. Other spirits will now be able to write to you. They have many messages to communicate and all are anxious to do so.

Keep up your courage, and believe in me and what I tell you.

With my love, and the Blessings of the Father, I will say good night.

Your brother and friend, JESUS.