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Search FAQs

An awareness of who and what is God and how His deep unconditional love is
for all of His children.

Reveals what it is, how we may obtain it, and what its effect is on our

An explanation of what is death, plus descriptions of spirit life - the
spheres, homes and surroundings, and spirits who inhabit them.

Enlightenment of the soul - a discovery of who and what we are.

A portrayal of Jesus - the truth about his life, teachings, and as the
Master of the Celestial Heavens.

This earth life is a fleeting shadow of the spirit life, but an important
shadow to the happiness which man may enjoy in the future.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Hell, but were afraid to ask!

Miscellaneous Q&As not listed under a specific category.

FAQs - The World and Life on Earth

This earth life is a fleeting shadow of the spirit life, but an important
shadow to the happiness which man may enjoy in the future.

Will the world end in 2012

No it won't, the 2012 predictions are just more scaremongery.

The End of the World

Why is there so much evil in the world

Some people think that God allows or creates evil in the world, but this is not true, evil exists for the sole reason that God gave to man the great gift of free will, without this free will man cannot choose to become at one with God. If the will is misused evil becomes prevalent. God wants us to become at-one with him through our own will, it's a privilege he gave us and is the reason for our freedom of will.

The Kingdom of the Perfect Natural Man - the Spiritual Heavens

Sin Has No Existence Except as It Is Created by Mankind, and Man Must Pay the Penalties

What is Religion?

Religion is a matter of soul and not of intellect, and the greater the development of the soul in the right direction, the higher will be the spiritual state or condition of the soul.
Mere intellectual belief, no matter how intense and undoubting, will not tend to bring about this spiritual development, for "religion is really nothing but the relationship and harmony of men's souls with the Soul of God."

Religion, is the relationship and harmony of men's souls with the Soul of God.