Truth For All People Divine Love God Soul Spirit Life Jesus Truths


What the followers of religious denominations can do, so as to establish Christianity
on a firm foundation on earth, and bring about a lasting peace


If the followers of all religious denominations, would come together with one accord like the Disciples of old at Pentecost, then pray with all the earnest  sincere longings of their souls, and stand with hands extended to the Heavenly Father to send His Holy Spirit, to carry into their souls the Divine Love, then those who obtain this Great Free Gift, would become so filled with such wonderful power and enthusiasm, they would go out in the world and proclaim the "True Gospel revealed by Jesus."

When sufficient numbers obtain this great transformation, then Christianity will become established on a firm foundation, and even penetrate through what is called the iron curtain. Warfare and strife and all other evils that cause countless thousands to mourn, will vanish from the face of the earth.

The god of war will hide its ugly head, and men's hearts and souls will sing for very joy.
The material things that men have been fighting over and still fighting for, will not be "yours and mine, but become the ours."

Then men will become truly brothers, and a Kingdom of Heaven will be let down upon earth, and a lasting peace prevail, and warfare and strife cease.

Dr. L. R. Stone.